Trademark Registration in Dominican Republic

Trademark registration in Dominican Republic is governed by Industrial Property Law 20-00 and its Regulations. A trademark in the Dominican Republic is defined as any sign or combination of signs that may be graphically symbolized and are suitable to distinguish the products or services of a business from those of others. Although the registration of […]

Investors and Retirees Visa in Dominican Republic

Individuals from any country may obtain a permanent residence in the Dominican Republic provided that they receive a monthly pension of at least UDS1,500 or rents (passive income) of at least USD2,000. Dominican permanent residence status is granted to retirees and rentiers that complete the request process. This special incentives Law program for rentiers and […]

Dominican Free Zones Installation Requirements

The Dominican Free Zones Council require the appointment of a Dominican law firm and legal representative to file and follow through with the following Installation Permit Requirements: Letter addressed to the Dominican Free Zones Council requesting authorization to operate under the Free Zones regime, as provided under Law 8-90 Installation request form for an Industrial […]

Buying Pre Construction Dominican Real Estate

Purchasing pre construction real estate property in the Dominican Republic may be one of the most challenging processes, at times complex, while full of both opportunities and potential risks for buyers. Real estate developers, promoters and sales agents will provide plenty of marketing plethora and promotional materials into what might be the investment of a […]

Dominican Aviation Law Tax Incentives

Dominican Law 57-23, creating a tax incentives regime for civil commercial aviation both national and international was enacted by the Dominican President on October 7, 2023. The purpose of Law 57-23 is to create a tax incentives regime to civil commercial aviation in the Dominican Republic, with the purpose of promoting and increasing the competitiveness […]

Buying Dominican Real Estate (2024)

Buying Dominican Real Estate requires a qualified and experienced lawyer to identify seller and property red flags and overcome legal process hurdles successfully. Persons wishing to buy, sell, convey or transfer Dominican real estate property should note that Dominican real estate operations are governed by Dominican Real Estate Property Registration Law No. 108-05 of 2005 […]

Do I register my prenup in Dominican Republic?

The Dominican Republic is a very popular wedding destination in the Caribbean with wide resort offerings facing spectacular white sand beaches. Prenuptial agreements are commonly used by spouses seeking to keep their finances and debt separate, establish property rights and its distribution, protect family estate and planning and avoid long and expensive court proceedings in […]

Import Agents and Distributors Law 173

Dominican Import Agents and Distributors Law 173 of 1966 establishes a dealer protection regime in the Dominican Republic. A foreign supplier of goods and services may choose to enter the Dominican market by selling his/her products through Dominican agents and distributors or representatives. The different channels of selling are subject to different legal frameworks. Contracts […]