Trust & Estate Administration

Arthur & Castillo can assist with all matters relating to the administration of  trusts and estates by representing trust companies and individuals acting as trustees, administrators and personal representatives.

We explore estate planning alternatives of our clients through personalized attention, discretion and strategic planning for the organization, acquisition or transmission of individual and family assets in order to develop our client’s goals in a tax efficient manner.

Our support includes post-mortem tax planning and implementation, applying for tax amnesty for probate, interpretation of wills and trusts, conducting wills notice, probate and title searches, notifying beneficiaries and heirs, assisting with transferring/ liquidating estate assets (real property, bank accounts, investments, securities), filing documents with the courts and Land Title Office, assisting with assets and property in other jurisdictions, assisting with real estate property appraisers, surveyors and brokers, assisting with the set-up and administration of family & private trusts, including testamentary trusts, informal and court passing of accounts.


Trust & Estate Administration