Incorporating real estate property as a family asset

Any individual may incorporate, for their own benefit or that of their heirs at law or their spouse, an unseizable real estate property that will be called Family Property (“Bien de Familia” in Spanish). Among the advantages of the real estate property incorporated as Family Property, registered as such, are: (i) The real estate property […]

Dominican white list countries tax havens

White List 2023 – 2024 of Countries not considered by the Dominican Republic as tax havens, of low or zero taxation published by the Dominican Tax Administration: Federal Republic of Germany, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentine Republic, Aruba, Republic of Austria, Commonwealth of Australia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Kingdom of Belgium, Republic of […]

Avoid Pitfalls when Buying Dominican Property

Buying Dominican property can sometimes turn up situations where avoiding conflicts of interests will help you avoid purchase pitfalls. Many foreigners who come to the Dominican Republic, for either business or pleasure, discover the many different environments found within a short drive: major internationally-linked cities, scenic tropical country sides, serene mountain ranges, and pristine white […]