Dominican Taxation of Property Transactions

Dominican Republic real estate property purchase or sale should be made through a written contract in which the parties reflect their agreement about the identity of the property being sold, the sales price and the terms and conditions of the sale. It is recommended that the seller and the buyer obtain advisory from an attorney in […]

IJ International Jurists AGM

The IJ International Jurists 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2015 took place last April 2015. Lawyers from member firm’s participated in an agenda focused on strategic development, business generation and harvesting collective know how and honest exchanges among members in order to share main points and challenges in the management and growth of our member […]

Dominican Imported Food and Drug Registration

The Dominican General Directorate of Pharmaceutical, Foods and Sanitary Health Products (“DIGEMAPS”) was created under Decree 82-2015 of April 6, 2015, under the dependency of the Dominican Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance. According to Article 2 of said Decree, DIGEMAPS is and will be, henceforth, the competent entity in matters of regulation, control, […]

Dominican Free Zone Exports Increase

Dominican Free Zone Exports increased in the first quarter of 2015 according to Dominican export trade data issued by the Dominican Republic Government, at a rate of 6.2%, which is the highest increase value since the year 2011. The USA market is the number one country for highest demand of Dominican free zone exports, as […]

Dominican Real Estate Property Sale Release Tax Norm

Dominican Real Estate Property Sale Tax Ruling 08-2014 of December 22, 2014, provides for the Release of Real Estate Property from the seller’s information registered at the Dominican Tax Administration’s registration system. Individuals and legal entities that sale a real estate property before or after the publication of said Tax Ruling must file a release […]

Dominican Legal Translators and Court Interpreters

On December 8 of 2014, the Judiciary Council (CPJ) of the Dominican Republic issued Resolution 13-2014, thereby appointing 115 new judicial interpreters in different languages, who may provide legal translation of documents as well as language interpretation services in different courts of the country, within the corresponding powers granted in their role as auxiliaries of […]

IJ International Jurists AGM

ARTHUR & CASTILLO attorneys attended the IJ International Jurists Annual General Meeting (AGM) last May 16th. The firm´s lawyers participated in workshops and meetings with other lawyers from international firms exchanging the latest trends in international business and internet technology law (IT) case – studies. The event counted with hundreds of participants and guest speakers […]

Dominican Data Protection Law

Dominican Republic Data Protection Law 172-13, establishing the parameters and the procedures to use regarding Habeas Data included in Article 70 of the Dominican Republic Constitution was enacted on December 13, 2013. The background of this law recognizes that every person has the right to Access the data or information that is recorded from him/her […]

Regulation for Sale & Transfer of Motor Vehicles

Dominican Regulation of Sale Transfers and Endorsements of New and Used Motor Vehicles, 06-2013 was issued on December 12, 2013 and provides for a procedure  to formalize the transfers of vehicles in favor of concessionaires and dealers. Said procedure includes the duty, by the owner of the vehicle, to notify the transfer or exchange of […]