Estate Planning

It is vital to have a skilled team of advisors who can ensure you have firm plans in place for you and your family’s succession, estate and protection.

Arthur & Castillo can help you prepare your private wealth matters in a way that your decisions, medical care, money and property are properly set up to avoid unnecessary taxes and waiting periods.

We work with estate planning alternatives and a full range of domestic and cross-border planning to develop client’s personal goals in a tax efficient manner.

Our support includes multi-jurisdictional assets or family situations, family and business trusts, developing and structuring private foundations and charities, guiding donors, charities and not-for-profits on the implications of various gifting and investment strategies, marriage, prenuptial and civil-union agreements, planning, writing and advising on wills and healthcare power of attorney, protecting a disabled relative or child, forming and advising on business trusts, corporations and trust companies, domestic, national and international tax issues.


Estate Planning