Ley De Amnistía Fiscal

La Ley 51-23 que promueve un tratamiento especial transitorio de fiscalización, gestión y recuperación de deuda tributaria del 10 de agosto del año 2023, prevé: (i) la declaratoria de prescripción de oficio o extinción de deudas de algunos impuestos por parte de la Dirección General de Impuestos Internos (DGII), (ii) facilidades de pago de deudas […]

Tax Amnesty Law

Law 51-23 dated August 10th of 2023, which promotes a special temporary audit, management and recuperation of the tax debt provides: (i) a tax status of limitations statement of certain tax debts by the Dominican Tax Administration, (ii) tax debt payment facilities, (iii) a reduced tax audit process and (ix) Government tax debt amnesty; for […]

Do I register my prenup in Dominican Republic?

The Dominican Republic is a very popular wedding destination in the Caribbean with wide resort offerings facing spectacular white sand beaches. Prenuptial agreements are commonly used by spouses seeking to keep their finances and debt separate, establish property rights and its distribution, protect family estate and planning and avoid long and expensive court proceedings in […]

DR Immigration, residence and work visas

Dominican Republic Immigration, residence and work visas are subject to different legal requirements. Any foreigner that enters the Dominican Republic falling within the several Dominican immigration categories is considered a (temporary or permanent) “resident” or a “Non Resident”. Generally, a valid Passport and a Tourist Card which may be purchased upon arrival at the airport […]

Inheritance of Property in the Dominican Republic

Under Dominican Law, there are two very important aspects which have an impact on the inheritance of assets of a deceased individual: the time and domicile of the deceased. The time of opening of an estate is the day that death occurs. Based on this rule of law, it is understood that the rights to […]

Dominican Tourism Real Estate Tax Incentives

Dominican Tourism Sector Tax Incentives Law 195-13, amending DR Tourism Promotion Law 158-01 dated October 9th of 2001, was enacted on December 13th of 2013 (hereinafter “Law 195-13 of Tax Incentives for the Tourism Sector”). The purpose of Law 195-13 of Tax Incentives for the Tourism Sector consists in adjusting the existing tax incentives in […]

Buying Dominican Real Estate

Buying Dominican Real Estate requires a qualified and experienced lawyer to identify seller and property red flags and overcome legal process hurdles successfully. Persons wishing to buy, sell, convey or transfer Dominican real estate property should note that Dominican real estate operations are governed by Dominican Real Estate Property Registration Law No. 108-05 of 2005 […]

Dominican Free Zones Salaries Increase 2023

The National Salary Committee of the Labor Ministry of the Dominican Republic, approved an increase of 20% to the Minimum Wage applicable to Dominican Free Zones employees on April 11, 2023, to the amount of Sixteen Thousand Two Dominican Pesos (DR$16,002.25, approx. 288 USD) effective from the first of May of 2023. The most relevant […]

Dominican Private International Law

Dominican Republic Private International Law 544-14 was enacted on October 15th of 2014, and is now considered one of the most advanced references in the Caribbean. The objective of Private International Law 544-14 is to regulate the private international relationships of a civil and commercial character in the Dominican Republic, in particular those related to […]

ITBIS reimbursement to exporters

Exporters that, in the development of their productive process, reflect ITBIS balance in favor in their ITBIS tax returns, may obtain its reimbursement or compensation, provided that they comply with the requirements set forth in General Regulation 12-2022 of ITBIS Reimbursement of Compensation for Exporters, issued by the Tax Administration (DGII) on October 18th of […]