AC Law partner featured in ABA Real Estate Publication

Felipe Castillo, partner in Arthur & Castillo has been featured in the American Bar Association’s Section of International Law publication “The Year in Review” 2017 for Cross Border Dominican Republic Real Estate Practice. The publication consists of an annual survey of international legal developments in different areas of international and national law and includes the […]

Employment Law in Dominican Republic

Employment in Dominican Republic is regulated by the provisions of Law 16-92 of May 29th of 1992, which approves the DR Labor Code, to establish the rights and obligations of employers and workers and promote the means to reconcile their interests. Among the topics covered in the labor code are minimum wages, maximum hours of […]

Purchasing Dominican Public Real Estate

On September 27, 2016, the Dominican Republic (DR) Executive Branch issued Decree No. 268-16 creating the Evaluation Commission of Real State Lands Registered as Owned by the Sugar Mills belonging to the Dominican State Sugar Council or Consejo Estatal del Azucar (CEA). The Decree recognizes the DR’s economic transformation, where Government lands originally dedicated to […]

Dominican Bankruptcy and Restructuring

On January 3th of 2017, The Judicial Branch Council (CPJ acronym in Spanish) of the Dominican Republic issued an Act which establishes the halls for the liquidation and restructuring courts for companies and individuals traders. The First Hall of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of First Instances of the National District and second Hall of […]

Dominican Branch Registration

Dominican Branch may be registered by foreign companies interested in doing business in the Dominican Republic (DR). Under Dominican law, a registered foreign company branch office can enter into contracts and execute and settle transactions in its own name, and can sue and be sued at its place of business. In order to successfully complete […]

Dominican Customs Tax Appeals and Recourses

Dominican Customs Law established that the Dominican Customs Administration is responsible for preventing illegal tax acts and to apply administrative sanctions, collect tax debt, whether voluntarily or by exercising its powers of tax fiscal enforcement, being able in that aspect, to re- liquidate and collect duties and taxes that for any concept are owed to […]

Company Corporate Services

Dominican company corporate maintenance services to meet legal requirements is essential for every registered company in Dominican Republic. Companies must file for their business register within the following month after their incorporation, and the same should be renewed every two years. On the other hand, changes of domicile or other which may give rise to […]

DR Free Zones Export Promotion

The system for the promotion of Dominican free zones establishes at least three categories of export free zones which offer opportunities for investors and exporters at the different levels of industrial processing, taking into account their location, number, qualification of job posts and the origin of the raw materials and of the products to be […]

Dominican Real Estate Purchase Closing

On the day of Dominican Real Estate Purchase Closing the seller may be asked to furnish the buyer in addition to the original certificate of title (owner’s duplicate) a series of legal documents which are most commonly gathered, requested and obtained by the seller’s attorney. Among these documents is the certification issued by the title […]

DR and United States sign Punta Cana Airport customs agreement

Now it will be easier for travelers to use the Punta Cana’s International Airport bound for the United States. The Dominican and US customs authorities signed an air pre-authorization agreement for travelers using Punta Cana’s international airport to the United States on December second (2nd) of 2016, whereby they will be exempt from registering at […]